The truth is that no one can ever imagine the pain that is felt by a grieving parent unless they are one of us
No one can ever imagine what’s it is like to hold it all together and still fall apart.
No one knows how hard it is to try and be strong when it’s not something you even feel like doing
You can’t imagine spending holidays with an empty chair and a visit to the cemetery.
It is hard to not be angry or mad at God. It is hard to continue to go to church when everything you ever imagined could happen didn’t.
There will a day when you are reunited but how fair is it that you have to wait patiently For that day.
How fair is it the lose friends because they feel you aren’t being good to them? You don’t text them like they think you should but you can hardly get up and breathe so why would texting be easy.
The truth is you can take us for what we are or don’t take us at all.
We need someone to understand under all the tears and anger and pain, sadness, heartache and heartbreak is a person that once was a strong one. Someone that was a good friend. We are still there but we don’t know how to be what everyone wants us to be and we certainly aren’t strong.
Psalm 16:8 “I will not be shaken.”