This is not a year of firsts for me.
It is for others.
A year of first holidays, birthdays, death anniversary days.
A year of mixed emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, love, hate, frustration, guilt, rage, loneliness, emptiness, heartbreak - all in one.
A year of avoiding situations.
A year of avoiding people because they don't know what to say and, you don't either.
A year of thinking what if, why, if only.
A year of living that you never thought you'd make it through. A year of crying all the time at the littlest thing. A song. A scent. A commercial.
A year that seems to take forever but really doesn't.
A year of firsts after losing your child.
I too know all about that year of firsts and I wish I could tell you that the next would be different, but, I can't.
Your journey may just be beginning but always know there are plenty of us to get you through it.
Maybe your year of firsts will not be as bad as you expect.
Ephesians 6:10 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."
