I heard on KLOVE this morning how a lady was friends with someone that was always negative or putting others down etc on social media. She unfriended her then the girl said she was sorry and would change, yet she hasn't.
Basically, I 100% agree with the lady for not wanting negative friends in her life. Not wanting to see it on social media, etc. You don't have to be friends with everyone and if someone is always negative, you don't need that.
You do not need constant negativity. I know I don't. I would not give the girl another chance until after her behavior changed. None of the bs about I will change, I am sorry, etc. No, change then come find me.
Some of the best things I have ever done is getting rid of negativity.
I do not have to have the most friends in the world. This is not a competition, no, it is me trying to be the best me I can and the one God wants me to be. If I wind up with 2 friends, oh well, it is all good.
I do not have to continuously listen to the negative chatter from people that are always unhappy yet, they never try to change what is making them so unhappy. Guess what, you don't have to either.
If you stop being friends with someone that is so negative and unfriend them on social media after you have told them the issue, you owe them nothing if they do not change. You owe yourself everything and bettering yourself by doing away with negativity is amassing. First, you are standing up for your belief and making you happy.
Think of it like this, if you do not sit around and ponder negative thoughts all the time or talk about people or put them down, why do you want to be bothered by a so called friend that does that. Imagine what they are saying about you when you aren't around. Kudos to you for choosing you over them. I will high five you if no one else does because, I removed negativity and I am not looking back.
Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called sons of God."
