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Writer: Carrie WhiteheadCarrie Whitehead

You want to know what media is all about?

Look at the news, look at the papers. Anything that sells will make money.

I know firsthand how they will do anything for a story. They will post your child’s picture all on the internet, not caring that family needs proper notification about trGedies that occur. They will have a worthless troll make comments that get deleted because rhey know you are about that life.

They will be sure to cover everything negative and leave out that one make a difference positive thing.

I absolute hate the media. The local paper sucks and all that most cover now is negative news.

I only watch the weather channel and sometimes they can’t get that right.

I remember when we had to make a detour during my child’s funeral procession because a reporter may have been waiting on hwy 3. Really, I remember how they had her all over the tv, internet etc and family wasn’t even aware of what happened. I remember that Maggie Wade tried to make up for it but, the damage was done,

I remember all these stations wanted to know who she was but, after they were so careless about our feelings why would we let them know anything. But look up her name and channel 16, you’ll find a media outlet that actually did it right. They sometimes get it right. Sometimes.

If you want to know about Lezlie, ask and I’ll tell you. If you want to know about anyone, ask someone that knows. Don’t rely on the media, those paid to make people feel and look bad, ask those that know them. Those that know them.

The whole point of this is that in a world full of negative and media that highlights that, ask and don’t believe so Much of what is seen or read. Ask.

Isaiah 25:1 “I will praise and ho or your name.”



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White Flowers

The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart;  the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.  Those who walk uprightly enter into peace, they find rest as they lie in death.

Isaiah 57:1-2

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