You know that we never understand why our children are taken from us and the Bible does state we will know when we meet Jesus.
Unfortunately, Mandy and I share that loss. Something we would never ever wish upon another soul.
Mandy is my cousin and one of my best friends. It is nothing for us to know when to text A simple how are you or an I love you. It is Nothing for us to spend time talking with all the girls at the cemetery.
I know our two forever 15 year olds are up there watching us and smiling big when we make it through another day, which isn't easy.
Life doesn’t always end up how we wish or want but, life can be bearable when you have someone that is experiencing emotions And feelings similar to the ones you feel regarding the loss of your baby. This journey is going to be a long one and support is needed and it is just a little more bearable when you can help someone and they help you.
I honestly hate that sweet Nat had to gain her angel wings but. I know Lezlie and her are both happy and whole and the prettiest angels ever. I am sure they have found a four wheeler and I bet Lexi is riding and I know bandit and sweet Smokey’s loving the belly rubs.
I am sad that Mandy is on this journey with me. I am grateful to have her and and her sweet soul. She is wonderful and tboughtful. She is kind. She is loving. She is more than family to me. She is beautiful inside and out and even though there a days we both want to quit, we are there to make sure we don’t.
Mandy may Not realize it but there have been days her te take have been sent at the right time. I love her for that and for being there for me when I need her.
Psalm 34:17 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from their trouble.”
