Over the past 5 years, my life has changed so much.
I have seen so many positive and negative things that, nothing surprises me anymore.
I have seen the true colors of some people and, that doesn't surprise me either.
I have learned that some people you will not talk to for a long time, and then you hear from them because they need something. Maybe to invite you to a fb party to buy something but, it is never just a friendly reminder that they were just thinking and checking on you.
I also expect to have people come out when something big happens in the next few months but, I will remember how they were basically non existent the past 5 years.
I think that some people are scared of a grieving person. Which in some ways, I get it. I do not get walking away from people when they need it or them the most.
Life changes the grieving parent. Life changes the non grieving friend. One thing that never changes is the grieving parents love for their angel and, God's love for the parent.
At the end of the day, everything around us changes. Our friends. Our lives. Our jobs. Our heart. God never changes.
I am so grateful for God. I am so grateful for the new friends I have made and, the old that stuck with me. I am thankful for the family that has been here throughout this journey. I am thankful to know the difference in all of the above.
Proverbs 17:17 "A friend is always loyal...."

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