Well, first of all, you can always tell by FB who is attention seeking.
You can also tell who thinks someone hurt their feelings and, the ones that are not smart enough to realize that many things take two. Friendships cannot be one-sided. I think we covered the part of letting toxic people go by just not replying.
You know the ones that think they are such awesome people but yet they try their best to make you feel like you are always in the wrong.
Here is a reminder for anyone that I am friends with, I may forget your birthday, I may forget your anniversary, I may forget you exist for a week or so but, I lost my child and it is hard enough for me to remember where my shoes are so get over yourself. (which right now I only see one shoe and, lets not talk about keys).
If everyone had the friend mentality of Lezlie the world would be better. She had friends she didn't talk to everyday or even every week but, they knew where they stood and you know why, they knew friendships were two sided not one sided.
Is it funny or is it not. It is funny how the same people always send the same texts. It isn't funny that they cannot take any blame for sucking as a friend themselves. I openly admit to people I can suck as a friend at times, sorry, but I can.
Right now, besides trying to LIVE or better yet SURVIVE, I am working, in a relationship, taking care of 5 children, 4 pets, getting a book published and, 1 million other things and as absentminded as I am, I will think of texting and forget. Happens everyday. I just replied to someone that texted me Wednesday and I feel bad about it because I just forgot.
But, I also work at a job where we don't get to text all day and you know what, that's been a blessing in itself because of the fact the drama has lessened. No one needs drama.
It is not really funny but in a way it is. It is not funny that people forget what happened to change me but, I cannot expect anything of anyone anymore.
I know the ones that are there, have been there and will be there. I know that I also have God on my side and, Faith. I also have the opportunity to try and strive to be the friend Lezlie was but, forgive me if I cannot. Life changed me and things are a lot different now. I haven't forgotten about anyone, I am trying to survive.
Revelation 21:4 "...and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall their be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, anymore: the first things are passed away."
