Do you realize how hard it is to hold back tears when something reminds you of your angel? It is pretty hard to do.
Let me remind you of things that remind me so much of Lezlie.
Turkey sandwiches, plain turkey sandwiches. 4 wheelers, mud holes made to ride in. Taco Bell #7. Mountain Dew anything. Leggings, Victoria's Secret Pink anything and especially, LEGGINGS.
Big t shirts. Converse. Make up or nah. Buns on top of the head. Geaux Tigers. Old spice deodorant. Sun kissed scent or Viva La Juicy.
Instagram. Snapchat.
Apple iTunes with the same old email and her music. Looking up peoples numbers in my phone and realizing the iCloud saved them like she did. I am mom with a heart.
The beach. Anything that smells like the beach.
Duck Dynasty.
Going to bed late and getting up early.
Boots. Uggs. Coffee. Cappuccino. The chocolate chip frappe from Mcdonalds, without the chips (that would be a mocha).
Softball. Stinky cleats. Ankle braces. Mid air catch at 3rd base. Dropping that shoulder when batting but working on it enough to not do it. Swinging and hitting anything, low balls, high balls, the right thrown balls.
I could go on.
There are millions of things that happen and the tears almost fall. Sometimes being strong is harder than anyone can ever imagine. I think I will start doing something a little different, crying when needed and not holding it back.
Faith. God. Eternity.
Romans 8:31 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
