Invest in tissue. You will need plenty of it on this journey.
Invest in good friends. You know the kind that will accept you for you with all your quirks, etc.
Invest in a bible. No words needed to explain this.
Invest in good mascara. Too faced has a really good one and it comes in waterproof too, it is called Better than Sex. Its worth the 21 bucks.
Invest in a journal. Sometimes writing your feelings is a bigger deal than you think.
Invest in yourself.
Invest in ways to grow your faith.
Invest in the family you have that supports you, 100%. I know that at times it is hard to separate who is there for you versus who likes to just make social media think they are but, you will figure this out. Same goes for friends.
Invest in an amazon prime account. If you are anything like me, I am the resident cemetery flower girl so, amazon prime has saved me. ETSY too. Also invest in looking at dollar stores for flowers, trust me - they are just as good.
Invest in the rest of your life and try not to beat yourself up so much. You do realize that your angel is going to be okay with you smiling right?
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in Jehovah with all they heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding."
