Today, I did something its been a while I have done, joined a small group. I am trying my best to get back on the right steps.
What happens is I get things started and I just give out. Like not just my body is tired, my spirt is tired. My soul. My whole being and I just think, I can't do this, I don't have time. I am already tired. But, I did it.
Tonight I will restart my devotional because a clean heart and mind allows for more of what God can fill you with.
I cannot actually wait to start meeting at church again. Its a small step but its really a big one. Not everyone knows my story. Not everyone knows how to talk to someone that has lost a child but, maybe I can tell my story or a part of it and have others amazed at the faith of my 15 year old and how she is still touching lives.
Miracles happen, everyday.
Deuteronomy 10:21 "Praise him—he is your God, and you have seen with your own eyes the great and astounding things that he has done for you."