To me, birthdays get harder every year, regardless of whose birthday it is.
Mine is just as hard. I don't get the midnight text or 2 a.m. text from my sweet girl. I do not get the homemade card or the gift she knew I would love. I don't get to share it with her. The cake. The ice cream. The dinner out.
Not to say that I do not appreciate every thought and text, fb post, message, gift, etc., it is just that losing a child makes any holiday hard regardless of how joyous it is.
Everyone has birthdays. Even angels.
I know that many do things different on the birthdays of their angels but me, I celebrate her and Mal. Why? They deserve to continue to be celebrated.
I have so many things going on right now that I honestly feel overwhelmed. I have a book this close to be done. I signed a lease for a booth at our local marketplace, which I am so excited for. I have so much good going on that when I stopped to take a breather, I honestly wanted to just crawl in a hole and be solitary. But, I cannot do that.
So, I celebrated my birthday. I smiled. I enjoyed my weekend and extra day off and I know my baby is smiling.
Birthdays, they are always so hard but with God's grace, we can do this. We can do everything.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things in him that strengthen me."
