If all you can ever be is kind, then be kind.
One thing I know is Lezlie was always that type of person. She always thought about others. She would buy food for anyone. If you needed something, she would help you. She may steal your Taco Bell but, she’d repay you later.
She could be a cheerleader for anyone. I have videos of her yelling to her teammates you got this, just so they knew someone believed they did when they didn’t.
It takes nothing to be kind. There are many people that make us feel they don’t deserve kindness but, they do. We all do.
At the end of the day If you are okay with everything you did, you need to make sure God would be. It’s easier to sleep at night with a clean conscience than a dirty one.
Be kind Give praise and smile. You will never know who needs just one or all of the above.
Samuel 18:3 “A good friend is a gift from