Tonya. Tonya has been a wonderful support system for me as well. She is my cousin and more than family, she is truly an amazing friend.
She made a last minute effort in November of 2015 to help me get my mind off of everything that we made a quick trip to Memphis. We had a great time minus Gracie just having tooth surgery, we laughed. We celebrated and we even took a piece of the girls with us.
Who can ever forget the Olan Mills picture we took at bass pro. The ducks at the Peabody. The Christmas lights. The last minute shopping that we did in under 4 hours.
That one time, oh never mind, I will not bring that up but.....she knows.
All the texts and phone calls to be sure I was okay.
All the things she did to make sure the service was not only beautiful but, went smoothly for us.
Even now, she is there for me. If I needed her, I could call or text and she would do whatever she could to help me.
Nothing is greater than family that also are friends.
I know that I have been blesses with some of the best. Tonya has always been kind, loving, thoughtful, giving and also beautiful inside and out. She is truly amazing.
Just like I have said before, I just wish half the world had the amazing friends/family I do. It doesn't make the pain go away, it makes the journey more bearable.
Acts 16:31 "They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”
