Sometimes, we take many things for granted.
Many take time for granted. I think if people knew what I knew or what I have experienced, they would use time wisely.
They would make memories. They would take pictures regardless of who doesn't want them taken.
I think that people take friendship for granted. When you find a good friend, take them with their flaws and all, there is only one perfect person.
I think people take relationships for granted. Sometimes, all someone needs to know is that they are important. The same old routine is pretty boring without communication. Work is important but it should never come before family, friends, faith.
I think people take people for granted. The goodness of someone. The kindness. The fact that good people are out there doesn't mean they are meant to be walked on and used.
Imagine a world full of Lezlie's. I can see a lot of things being different.
In the next week, I have big news and it isn't just a picture of something I conjured up, it is a big deal. Let me leave you in suspense because, we all need something to look forward too.
1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."
