I could tell you about a zillion people that I know. I could tell you about some that I know better than others but, this is not what these next few days is all about, it is about those that were there for me and still are.
My sister. Can everyone say their sister has been supportive, maybe not. I can. I know that my brother in law never wants to be awakened up again to learn of a death. I wouldn't for sure.
Lezlie loved her aunt Selina. She loved her cookies. I actually read something Lezlie had written about that.
I know that she visits their house all too often, well at least Luke.
But, my sister has always helped me do things to honor Lezlie. She does her flowers. She sets places at the table for her. (thanksgiving).
She has been a ton of support for me. She has been not only a sister but a best friend. We used to have a weekend shopping, eating day and we plan on restarting that again next year.
We can probably sit across the table from one another and not say a word and know what the other is thinking.
We can honestly say we like the same people and sometimes are not happy with the same people.
Not everyone can say they get along with their sister. Not everyone can say they consider them one of their best friends. I guess I would be lucky in that aspect.
Everyone needs a sister they can count on even ones that like Ole Miss (lol).
Matthew 28:20 "I am with you always."
