If it has to do with Jason Aldean's sons hair, it is definitely not any of ours. I read where people were belittling him because Memphis has long hair. Last time I checked, Jason and Brittney Aldean are the parents of sweet little Memphis and, not a damned soul besides them needs to worry about his hair. People, quit being so judgmental. If it is not happening to you, mind your business.
I swear, lets break a mommas heart because you do not like her sons hair.
While we are at it, go ahead and quit bad mouthing every working parent there is that makes the decision to send their children to school. You do not know a thing about anyone in this world but you and, sometimes that is debatable.
You raise your kids and let others raise theirs.
While you are at it, let me hear one more person upset because they were told to move on after a death, get over it, you need to live. We are not telling you how to live so do not tell us.
Quit making it your place to be everyone's judge and juror. There is not a single person on this earth that is Jesus Christ himself. No one is perfect and, if people would spend as much time in their own business as everyone else's, I bet they would question their own doorstep.
It is just absolutely heartbreaking to read a parent is being judged or badmouthed because of hair or school preferences. I will pray for all involved, especially the "judges".
Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
